Summer Fun

Summer is coming so quickly! I realized this the other day when my brothers announced that they had finished their last college final and were out of school for the summer! LUCKY!

Summer is such a great time of year with so many activities like the Fourth of July and going to the pool. Summer is definitely my favorite time of the year!

Speaking of the Fourth of July.. we are getting ready to introduce our Fourth of July flower headband!! Anything you want to see? A specific flower color? Frilly? Simple? Email us at: or comment below if you would like to share! I have a few ideas in mind. ;)

Right now however, take a look at these cute petite flower clips. I think these are great for summer because they can pull back those bangs that always fall in your little girls' eyes. They are simple and sweet and won't fall off while your little ones are outside playing! They are the perfect size and look good on any kid from newborn to kids. They reason why I love them is because you can put them in a little baby who is just sprouting hair or a kid or baby who has that thick beautiful head of hair!

Take a look:

You can't go wrong with these cute petite flowers. Head over to SHOP NOW! :)


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